A Book of Common Rituals
by Brian Clements

ISBN: 978-1-935835-13-4
Perfect Bound, $16.00
Publication Date: October 2014
6 x 9 inches, 65 pages

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In A Book of Common Rituals, Brian Clements presents a fantastic and mundane religion in which all the rituals are built around the absurdity of human behavior, all the beliefs are founded on what is regrettable and all the dogma exists for the purpose of celebrating the tragicomedy of human folly. Using sequences of prose poems with accompanying texts and images, Clements invites us to enter a temple that welcomes everyone, especially heathens and blasphemers. In the world created by A Book of Common Rituals, readers become willing participants in behaviors that may seem eerily similar to the rituals that inhabit their own individual imaginations.

From A Book of Common Rituals...

Seventh Morning Ritual


Collect the objects you will need for your day.

Be sure to include among them the telephone.

Place the objects into your pocket and walk to a public place.

Be sure to include among them the page, the flag, the stone.

Place the objects on a low wall along a sidewalk.

Be sure to include the wind, the glasses, the tongue, the dream.

Step back and listen to what they say.

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